
Our Central Animating Spirit is One with the Spirit of the Creator, God, and Christ, and the spiritual movement towards Unity through Love.

Intention and Goal

Our Intention and Goal is One with the Will and Intention of God - for All Creation to develop towards the fullness of its potential and flourish in harmony.


Our Mission is the Kingdom of God, on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Our Vision is Heaven on Earth - the Best Possible Future For All.

Battle and Victory

Our Battle and Victory is against the spiritual forces of darkness, evil, tyranny, corruption, and injustice.


Our Values are Truth, Love, Justice, Stewardship, Wisdom, Beauty, and Liberty, unified by the Spirit of God.


Our Invitation is to All who resonate with the Spirit, Vision, and Values. No one, regardless of background, culture, or belief, who abides by the Spirit will be involuntarily excluded or left behind.

Join The Movement


We do not tolerate betrayal of the Spirit, Intention, and Values, and will remove anything that does not honor The Code.

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